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Ljudkonferens 11-12 oktober – Audio Mostly – A Conference on Sound in Games

The Audio Mostly Conference provides a venue to explore the untapped potential of audio as content driver in game contexts, and aims to help open up this area of thinking by bringing together game designers, audio experts, content creators, and technology and behavioral researchers. Through this forum, varied experts may discuss developments and new potentials for audio gaming in health and fitness, education, industrial training, etc., and sonic solutions to development challenges in low resolutions scenarios or environments where screens are unavailable. The aim is to both describe and push the boundaries of what sound can do to sustain game play and interactivity.

Audio Mostly – A Conference on Sound in Games in Piteå, Sweden on October 11-12, 2006 hosted by the Interactive Institute Sonic Studio

We ask researchers, game designers, composers, interaction designers, audio engineers and game developers interested in sharing their results, perspectives and insight to a multidisciplinary audience to submit abstracts of 200-450 words for paper or poster submissions before June 18, 2006. Please specify if your abstract is for a paper or a poster.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by July 1, 2006. Final submissions are due on August 20, 2006.

Areas of Interest (including but not limited to):
Games designed around audio and sound
Sound in games for low resolution applications
Mobile games/Interactivity using sound in mobile platforms
Scoring in games
Surround sound in games
Sound design for games
Audio in Serious Games

Perspectives (including but not limited to):
Game development/design
Sound design
Computer/Human Interfaces
Menu Navigation, Choice Selection and other Feedback Functions
Mobile platform development
Music Scoring, Music Editing
Interactive Music
Serious Games
Perception Psychology
Audio Engineering
Novel Uses of Sound in Interactive Applications

Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission – June 18
Notification of acceptances – July 1
Final paper submission – August 20
Deadline for registration – September 10
Conference – October 11-12

For more information, please visit the Interactive Institute Sonic Studio website or contact us at

Please forward this call for papers to anyone who may be interested in participating.